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Non-profit, non-partisan information about candidates in the Dallas area

*Candidates' names are linked to their website. Information represents a summary of the author's perceived most important issues on the candidate's website and online resources ( and government websites).

- Republican

US Senate

  • Immigration - Wants to prevent undocumented migrants from remaining in the US; wants to improve border security

  • Social Issues -  Pro-Life, supports fracking and is against climate change

  • Budget - Supports only a balanced government budget, wants to repeal Obamacare and change medicare and social security to reduce spending

  • Gun Rights - Pro gun rights, supports securing schools by increasing police presence

- Democrat

  • Healthcare - Supports expanding medicaid and access to medicine as well as lowering drug costs

  • Reproductive Rights - Pro-Choice, wants to expand access to birth control 

  • Economy - Advocates for raising minimum wage, wants to prioritize job training for Texans

  • Immigration/Gun Rights - Seeks to end gun violence while protecting the 2nd Amendment; seeks to protect all legal immigrants

US Senate

- Libertarian

  • Healthcare - Against medicare and medicaid as healthcare solutions

  • Gun Rights - Strongly supports the 2nd Amendment, wants to repeal existing gun control laws 

  • Drugs - Seeks to repeal all drug control laws and legalize drugs

  • Immigration - Against heavy border restrictions and deportations, and believes in an open immigration system (with the exception of known criminals/threats)

US Senate

- Democrat (Write-In)

US Senate

  • Climate - Supports eliminating carbon pollution from power plants and investing in clean energy

  • Abortion​ - Against the principle of it, but stands as Pro-Choice 

  • Education - Wants to raise first-year teacher salary to $75k

  • Criminal System - Strongly supports reforms including legalization of marijuana and a "Domestic Terror Law" to combat extremist violence 

- Republican

US House - District 24

  • Economy - Believes in a free economy, and supporting small businesses with minimal government interference

  • Education​ - Strongly supports parental involvement in education rather than government involvement

  • Border - Supports Governor Abbott's current position on immigration

  • Abortion - Pro-Life, focused on encouraging adoption rather than abortion

- Democrat

  • Economy - Hopes to increase the federal minimum wage and support the modernization of infrastructure

  • Gun Rights​ - Supports 2nd Amendment rights with background checks, higher age limits, and a waiting period for assault weapons

  • Government​ - Advocates for term limits for the House, Senate, and Supreme Court (10, 18, and 20 years respectively).

  • Social Issues - Supports the Equality Act, Pro-Choice

US House - District 24

- Republican

US House - District 6

  • Gun Rights - Supports 2nd Amendment rights as a gun owner, member of the NRA

  • Abortion - Pro-Life, against federal money (like Medicaid) being used for abortions

  • Border - Supports securing the border by completing the border wall, cites a desire to end human/drug trafficking

  • Economy - In favor of minimal government interference and encouraging global trade

- Democrat

US House - District 6

  • Criminal Justice - Supports reform to help with reintegration as well as reform to police departments

  • Environment - In favor of policies helping low-income communities, Indigenous communities, and communities of color to combat climate change

  • Economy - Advocates for $15/hour minimum wage

  • Infrastructure - Seeks significant increase to federal investment in infrastructure

- Democrat

US House - District 33

  • Healthcare - Advocates to expand Medicaid under ACA; supports women's health issues

  • Immigration - Supports immigration reform allowing working immigrants to have a path to citizenship

  • Economy - Established an annual job fair and supported the American Airlines/US Airways merger; avocates for raising minimum wage

  • Education - Has supported STEM education and expanding financial aid

- Republican

US House - District 33

- Democrat

US House - District 30

  • Abortion - Opposes Governor Abbott's Six-Week Ban; Pro-Choice

  • Voting Rights - Actively opposes all forms of voter suppression; seeks to modernize and secure elections and ballot access

  • Immigration​ - Supports creating a clear path toward citizenship for North Texas immigrants

  • Economy - Supports small businesses and increasing capital for small and/or minority-owned businesses

- Libertarian

US House - District 30

There is currently no information on Mr. Ashby's platform (including no active campaign website). If someone has up-to-date information, I'd appreciate it if you could contact us!

- Republican

US House - District 32

  • Border - Supports upholding a strong border in order to ensure safe/legal immigration

  • Budget - Advocates for reducing government spending; cites the national debt (roughly $35 trillion) as a cause of inflation

  • Energy - Supports policies promoting domestic energy production in order to reduce gas prices

  • Abortion - Pro-Life

- Democrat

US House - District 32

  • Abortion - Pro-Choice; Seeks to codify Roe v. Wade into law and stop prosecution for abortion care

  • Drug Trafficking - Supports legalizing and decriminalizing cannabis; has authored state bills to do so

  • Climate - Supports incentivizing carbon recapture technology, investing in fighting pollution, and encouraging sustainable agriculture

  • Gun Rights - Advocates for background checks and banning assault rifles

- Libertarian

US House - District 32

  • Abortion - Pro-Choice; cites belief in self-ownership

  • Criminal Justice - Supports legalization of drugs for medicinal/recreational uses; Opposes death penalty

  • Gun Rights - Opposes government restrictions on firearms - cites Second Amendment and use for self-defense

  • Economy - Supports free trade and migration; Opposes government subsidization on energy sector

- Republican

Texas Senate - District 12

  • Taxes - Advocates for careful government spending and lowering citizens' and businesses' taxes

  • Crime - Has pressed for tougher punishments for human traffickers

  • Government - Previously led legislation  allowing the Attorney General to sue district attorneys for legal violations

  • Infrastructure​ - Led legislation designed to protect Texan infrastructure from overseas threats

Note: Info on Senator Parker's platform is rather scarce; if anyone has up-to-date info on issues he supports, please feel free to contact us!

- Democrat

Texas Senate - District 12

  • Social Issues - Pro-Choice, advocates for women's rights and LGBTQ+

  • Education - Against vouchers, supports higher pay for teachers as well as measures to make schools safer

  • Economy - Supports policies helping small business and creating jobs

  • Healthcare - Wants to help expand healthcare to cover all Texas, with a focus on reducing costs and patient right

- Democrat

Texas Senate - District 16

  • Healthcare - Supports Medicaid expansion, has fought to remove current abortion restrictions

  • Energy - Interested in upgrading Texas energy infrastructure to move towards more reliability and cleaner forms of energy

  • Economy - Current works on the Senate Committee on Business and Commerce; looks to a diverse, talented population for economic growth

  • Education - Has worked on bills helping schools manage finances, offering free Pre-K programs to children of teachers, and more

Note: Senator Johnson is the only candidate running for TX Senate District 16.

- Democrat

  • Gun Rights - Advocates for universal background checks and banning assault-style weapons

  • Abortion​ - Pro-Choice, against strict abortion restrictions

  • Education - Supports increasing funding for Texas grant programs to increase college financial aid for students

  • Criminal Justice - Led legislation adding in-car cameras to police vehicles, helped pass legislation updating racial profiling laws

Texas Senate - District 23

Note: Senator West is the only candidate running for TX Senate District 16.

- Democrat

  • Healthcare - Wants Texas to join the Medicaid Expansion program

  • Gun Rights - Supports Red Flag laws, increased funding to mental health programs, and a higher age restriction for owning assault weapons

  • Abortion - Pro-Choice; wants to prioritize allowing abortion for cases involving sexual assault

  • Climate - Wants to incentivize the use of solar energy in homes; supports adjusting school curriculum to include discussing climate change

Texas Senate - District 30

- Republican

  • Abortion - Pro-Life; specific supported policies unknown

  • Economy - Business Owner/CEO (Titus Transport), fiscally conservative, supports smaller government

  • Border - Seeks to support law enforcement and maintain Texas' stance on border security

  • Gun Rights - Supports Texans' right to guns and current policies regarding guns

Texas Senate - District 30

Note: Info on Mr. Hagenbuch's platform is rather scarce; if anyone has up-to-date info on issues he supports, please feel free to contact us!

- Republican

  • Economy - Supports policies promoting small businesses; has written/passed legislation lowering property taxes

  • Border - Supports increased border security on the grounds of ending human and drug trafficking

  • Police Reforms​ - Opposes decreasing funds for police, cites endorsement from local law enforcement leaders

  • Education - Formerly worked as a teacher; considers education to be one of her top three issues

Texas Senate - District 8

- Democrat

Texas Senate - District 8

  • Education - Against vouchers; Seeks to shift public education funding as per needs of students and schools

  • Healthcare - Supports making healthcare "affordable, accessible, and inclusive"

  •  Economy - Supports local businesses and sustainable economic growth

  • Teachers - Advocates for a raise across the board for teachers and staff; supports maintaining TRS as a retirement tool

- Libertarian

Texas Senate - District 8

There is currently very little information about Mr. Kless's platform online and on his website. If someone has up-to-date information, I'd appreciate it if you could contact us!

- Republican

Texas House - District 63

  • Taxes - Supports local property tax cuts to benefit families, individuals, and businesses; Advocates for responsible gov. spending

  • Border - Co-sponsored legislation  to continue wall construction and support Operation Lone Star

  • Energy - Supports development in the energy sector to create jobs and enhance energy independence

  • First Responders - Has filed an act to help protect, recruit, and retain first responders (Wade Cannon Act)

- Democrat

Texas House - District 63

  • Healthcare - Authored bills to expand Medicaid; Advocates for ensuring access to affordable, quality healthcare

  • Education - Against vouchers; supports well-funded, quality public education to support an ever-changing workforce

  • Environment - Supports improving energy systems to account for climate change; encourages people/businesses to make plans addressing this

  • Equality - Against discrimination for any reason; has filed LGBTQ+ equality bills

- Democrat

Texas House - District 65

  • Healthcare - Supports funding healthcare through the expansion of Medicaid

  • Bipartisanship - Considers himself to have liberal and conservative views; seeks to make Texas more two-party

  • Gun Rights - Advocates for raising the age limit (currently 18 years) to buy an assault weapon to 21 years

  • Public Schools - Against vouchers, supports funding for public education instead

- Republican

Texas House - District 65

  • Border - Against Biden's border policies; supports securing the border to minimize drug/human trafficking

  • Taxes - Advocates for property tax relief and more careful spending in state government

  • Elections - Seeks to ensure elections are "fraud-free"; Wants to return to paper ballots for this reason

  • Education - Hopes to make this a top priority; against DEI and ESG policies (cites them as being "decisive")

- Republican

Texas House - District 98

  • Abortion - Pro-Life; authored the Abortion Trigger Ban Bill to ban abortion in Texas after the overturning of Roe v. Wade

  • Border - Supports state funding for a wall and more border patrol officers 

  • Taxes - Has helped pass property tax cuts; has also supported efforts to let voters veto property tax increases

  • Social Issues - Supported legislation to end gender modification for children; Has passed a bill separating sports by gender in schools

- Democrat

Texas House - District 98

  • Education - Against school vouchers; supports allowing schools to provide market raises to teachers

  • Abortion - Advocates for a state amendment allowing individuals' to make reproductive decisions 

  • Healthcare - Supports passing Medicaid expansion and assisting rural hospitals with funding

  • Border - Supports federal efforts to increase border patrol staff; seeks to increase funding for local enforcement 

- Democrat

Texas House - District 115

  • Abortion - Pro-Choice, cites abortion bans as detrimental to public health and attracting talent to Texas

  • Fentanyl - Supports any measures to "save lives, provide counseling and mental health support, and prosecute drug dealers"

  • Gun Rights - Supports gun reforms without infringing on the 2nd Amendment

  • Education - Advocates for the use of revenue surplus to fund public schools without increasing property tax

- Republican

Texas House - District 115

  • Abortion - Pro-Life; recognizes complexity in the topic of abortion and advocates for more adaptive solutions

  • Gun Rights - Supports citizens' right to bear arms; supports "sensible" solutions addressing gun violence in schools

  • Taxes - Advocates for property tax relief for families and businesses - supports policies friendly toward small businesses

  • Education - Believes in fully funding public schools; advocates for increased teacher salaries and per-student funding

- Democrat

Texas House - District 105

  • Healthcare - Supports accepting federal funding for Medicaid; seeks to expand coverage to more disabled Texas

  • Economy - Advocates for better wages, more jobs, increasing access to job skills training, and reducing property taxes

  • Education - Against school vouchers; supports redirecting state funding to the public school system

  • Environment - Supports the Green Texas Act of 2021, a proposal to "help fight the climate change crisis" 

- Republican

  • Environment - Seeks to establish a more reliable/functional power grid; advocates for strategies and development ensuring future water needs are met

  • Economy - Supports a business-friendly environment, reducing property taxes, and cutting "wasteful spending"

  • Education - Cites support for public schools, teachers, and parental rights; served as an executive board member for the Irving Schools Foundation 

  • Criminal System - Supports stronger laws for criminals and drug dealers

Texas House - District 105

- Democrat

Texas House - District 103

  • Environment - Advocates for climate action and environmental justice; Worked on legislation to redesign the Texas electric market after Winter Storm Uri 

  • Voting Rights - Against "restrictive voting laws", supports expanding voter registration and early voting

  • Criminal System - Supports preventative measures to reduce crime such as education, economic development, etc.

  • Healthcare - Advocates for expanding Medicaid to cover more people

Note: Rep. Anchía is currently the only candidate running for TX House District 103.

- Democrat

  • Education - Seeks to increase funding for public schools, cites $32.7 billion surplus from the last legislative session

  • Housing - Supports addressing the impacts of gentrification on local property taxes and housing prices

  • Economy - Seeks to work with representatives, business leaders, and unions to bring jobs to District 104

  • Criminal Justice - Advocates for ending the school to prison pipeline and increasing police accountability

Texas House - District 104

Note: Rep. Gonzalez is currently the only candidate running for TX House District 104.

Yvonne Davis

- Democrat

Texas House - District 111

There is currently very little information about Rep. Davis' platform online, including no campaign website. If someone has up-to-date information, I'd appreciate it if you could contact us!

Note: Rep. Davis is currently the only candidate running for TX House District 111.

- Republican

  • Taxes - Supports property tax cuts, cites spearheading an $18 billion (property) tax cut for Texans

  • Education - Supports funding public schools, including security measures and raises for teachers

  • Crime - Worked to prevent trafficking and assault in Texas including expanding protection for disabled victims and targeting illicit establishments in Texas

  •  Economy - Helped establish an Economic Incentive Program to attract jobs for Texas

Texas House - District 108

- Democrat

Texas House - District 108

  • Education - Against vouchers; advocates for supporting special education programs, trade programs, community colleges, and adult education to train the workforce

  • Gun Violence - Supports red flag laws, background checks, and responsible storage to curb gun violence

  • Abortion - Pro-Choice; believes state government overreached in healthcare

  • Healthcare - Advocates for expanding Medicaid to strengthen the healthcare system and create jobs

- Democrat

Texas House - District 114

  • Abortion - Pro-Choice; advocates for including women's reproductive care in family planning resources

  • Taxes - Supports lowering property taxes; cites the "unfair shifting of the tax burden" because of a Texas Supreme Court ruling

  • Energy - Supports connecting Texas to national energy infrastructure and making price-gouging on electricity/gas illegal

  • Education - Advocates for increasing districts' funding, eliminating "high-stakes testing", and raising teachers' salaries

- Republican

Texas House - District 114

  • Border - Supports securing the border, cites a risk of "exposure to lethal drugs, human trafficking, and cartel activities"

  • Elections - Advocates for more severe penalties for election fraud

  • Poverty - Believes homelessness needs to be addressed because of mental illness issues, drug use, criminal activity, and humane reasons

  • Economy - Advocates for economic improvement to lower prices, particularly for staple goods (groceries, gas, etc.)

- Democrat

Texas House - District 100

  • Healthcare - Pro-Choice; supports expanding Medicaid across the state and implementing new initiatives to address mental health and drug abuse

  • Seniors - Advocates for protecting seniors from "gentrification, increased property taxes, and rising prescription drug costs"

  • Education - Supports career-preparation programs and increasing teacher pay

  • Economy - Advocates for more fair-wage employment opportunities and supporting unions, businesses, and families

Note: Rep. Jones is currently the only candidate running for TX House District 100.

- Democrat

Texas House - District 110

  • Healthcare - Focuses legislation on mental health reform and affordable healthcare access; secured $44.75 million for funding a new mental health hospital in DFW

  • Criminal Justice - Advocates for justice reform; co-hosted a virtual town hall on the subject which led to the formation of the George Floyd Act

  • Social Issues - Helped secure $95.4 million for the Early Childhood intervention program

  • Civil Recognition - Wrote legislation recognizing Rosa Parks Day (Dec. 1st)

Note: Rep. Rose is currently the only candidate running for TX House District 110.

- Democrat

Texas House - District 107

  • Education - Against vouchers for private schools; supports increased funding for public education by reallocating budgets

  • Reproductive Rights - Supports access to abortion; cites a right to autonomy and restrictions leading to higher healthcare costs

  • Healthcare - Advocates for expanding Medicaid, improving healthcare infrastructure, and finding ways to reduce healthcare costs

  • Infrastructure - Supports investing in affordable housing initiatives and expanding infrastructure (transportation, water, etc.)

Note: Ms. Garcia is currently the only candidate running for TX House District 107.

- Democrat

Texas House - District 113

  • Healthcare - Supports expanding "affordable medical coverage" through preventative care programs

  • Education - Advocates for supporting public schools; co-authored a bill investing $11 billion into public education in Texas

  • Gun Rights - Supports removing HB 1927, which allows for carrying a handgun without a permit; supported HB 103, which made the Texas Active Shooter Alert System

  • Economy - Advocates for raising the minimum wage to $15/hr in Texas

- Republican

Texas House - District 113

  • Taxes - Supports property tax cuts and promoting fiscal responsibility in government while "maintaining essential public services"

  • Education - Supports education vouchers as well as increasing the basic allotment for public schools

  • Border - Advocates for increased border security while maintaining a clear path for legal immigrants and asylum seekers

  • Abortion - Pro-Life; believes it's a matter for states to decide; open to "only certain conditions after 15 weeks"

- Democrat

Texas House - District 102

  • Education - Believes in equitable access to classroom materials and technology; supports a "return to funding 50%" of public education by the state

  • Healthcare - Advocates for expanding Medicaid and affordable access to healthcare

  • Abortion - Pro-Choice; supports "quality access to pre and postnatal care"

  • Gun Rights​ - Supports "sensible gun violence reform"; introduced a bill requiring people convicted of felonies or family violence charges to surrender firearms

Note: Rep. Ramos is currently the only candidate running for TX House District 102.

- Republican

Texas House - District 112

  • Economy - Worked to keep unemployment insurance rates in check for small businesses during COVID; cites saving businesses "hundreds of millions of dollars"

  • Education - Describes public education as a priority; passed a law increasing school funding, funding retirement, and providing more equity for Texas school districts

  • Healthcare - Supports increasing funding in Texas for women's healthcare

  • Taxes - Supports tax cuts in the interest of economic development

- Democrat

Texas House - District 112

  • Abortion - Pro-Choice; supports legislation to protect doctor-patient relationships and expand access to family planning resources

  • Education - Against school vouchers; advocates for increasing public school funding and raising teacher salaries

  • Immigration - Supports a path to citizenship for DREAMers and other undocumented residents; supports "repealing anti-immigrant laws", cites division in communities

  • Economy - Supports raising the minimum wage and strengthening union protections

- Democrat

Texas House - District 109

There is currently very little information about Ms. Davis' platform online, including no campaign website. If someone has up-to-date information, I'd appreciate it if you could contact us!

Note: Ms. Davis is currently the only candidate running for TX House District 109.

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